Post: CRPF Constable Technical/Tradesman
Short Information About Post: CRPF has issued an Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment 2023
Total Post: 9212

Notification. Candidate who are 10th passed are eligible for CRPF Constable Vacancy 2023. In this notification there are several posts like Constable Driver,Mochi,Motor Mechanic,Carpenter,Tailor,Band, Cook, Mali, Painter, safai Karamchari,Dhobi, Barber included. You can apply online from 27 march 2023 to 25April 2023.For Recruitment details, pay band, age limit, selection precedure,Job information, Read the advertisement carefully ant then apply the Form.
CRPF Constable Technical/Trademan Recruitment 2023 : Ministry of Officer Affaires, Office of the Inspector General of Police, Chattisgarh Sector, CRPF Announced bumper vacancy for the Post of Contale (Thechnical & Tradesman). More than 9000 vacancies are available for the male and FemaleCandidates.
Intrested and eligible candidates can apply for CRPF Recruitmen 2023 from 27 march 2023 to 24 April 2023.
The Selection for CRPF Constable Technical/Trademan Recruitment 2023will be done on the basis of the Online Exam, PST and PET, Trade Test, DV, And medical exam.
CRPF COnstable Notification 2023 has been released by the application will be accepted online only. Hence Candidates are required to apply only Online. No other Mode of Submission of application is allowed.
Examination Format : CRPF Constable Technical/Trademan Recruitment 2023
Subject | Number of Questons | Marks |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
General Knowledge And General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
Mathematics | 25 | 25 |
English/Hindi | 25 | 25 |
Total Time of Examination will be 02 Hours
Eligibility Criteria for CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023 :
Educational Qualification:
- CT/Driver Educational qualification- Candidates are required Minimum matric or equivalent degree from a recognized Board, or Univercity (Recognized by the Central or State Government). Candidates should have Heavy Transport Vehicle Driving License and should pass the Driving Test at the time of recruitment.
- CT/Mechanic Motor Vehicle- Minimum matriculation or 10th Pass in 10+2 examination systemfrom a recognized board or equivalent. Thechnical Qualificationpossesing Two (2) years of Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) certificates in Machanic Motor vehicle stream recognized by National or State Council for Vocational training or any other Recognigzed instituitions and 1 year practical experiance in the field of concerned trade or National or State apprenticeship certificate in Mechanic Motor vehicle Trade of Thrre year duration from a recognized instituition and one-year practical experiance in the field of Mechanic Motor vehicle
CT/Mechanic Motor Vehicle Educational qualification minimum matriculation or 10th Class pass from a recognized board and equivalent. Also required 02 years of Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) certificates in Machanic Motor vehicle stream recognized by National or State Council for Vocational training or any other Recognigzed instituitions and 1 year practical experiance in the field of concerned trade or National or State apprenticeship certificate in Mechanic Motor vehicle Trade of Thrre year duration from a recognized instituition and one-year practical experiance in the field of Mechanic Motor vehicle.
How to Fill CRPF Constable/ Tradesman recruitment Online Form 2023
- Central Reserve Police Force CRPF New Application For Constable Technical /Tradesman Recruitment 2023 Candidate Can apply Between 27/03/2023 to 25/04/2023.
- Kindly read the Notification carefully before apply the application form.
- Check and collect the All Document – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address details, and basic details.
- Registration of personal & contact details.
- Login ID will be sent to you through e-maol on the registered e-mail ID.
- Re-login and select the catogory and fil the personal details, qualification details,upload photo 7 Signature and Submit Recruitment Processing charge and examination Fee ( If Applicable) to be paid by the candidates, irrespective of ctogory, online via SBI MOPS through net banking/debit card/credit card/Upi/Challan.
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE : CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023
Important Link :
Apply Online: Link Activate 27/03/2023
Download Notification : Click Here
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)CRPF Constable Technical & Tradesman Recruitment 2023CRPF Advt No. No.R.II-8/2023-Rectt-DA-10Important Detailes of the Notification

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